Long waited weekend in Helsinki. I was about to judge in Winner Puppy Shows during that weekend so I didn’t have any of my owned dog with me. Only my breeding could enter. Three days before the event Finnish Kennel Club cancelled both puppy shows due COVID-situation so I was looking for free weekend with friends.
Saturday at Helsinki Winner 2021 Kelpies where judged by Irina Poletaeva from Finland.
BOB Didaktic’s OMG
BOS Didaktic’s New Hope
BOS-veteran Didaktic’s Cosmopolitan
res-CAC Didaktic’s Vega
BOB-breeder: Didaktic’s
(New Hope, OMG, Cosmopolitan, Vega)
Didaktic’s New HopeDidaktic’s OMG

Sunday Winner 2021 Show Kelpies where judged by Antti Nieminen from Finland.
BOB-veteran, BB2 Didaktic’s Cosmopolitan
BM3 res-CACIB Didaktic’s New Hope
BB4 Didaktic’s OMG
BOB-breeder: Didaktic’s
(New Hope, Vico, Cosmopolitan, OMG)