SBCAK – herding (TS) competition

Viime viikonloppuna kisattiin SBCAK ry:n ensimmäiset TS-paimennuskokeet. Olen kyllä ihan huippu ylpeä meidän hienoista koirista ja ohjaajista! Neljä koiraa kisasivat kaksi pitkää päivää, vieraassa paikassa, vierailla lampailla. Koiria oli jokaisessa luokassa, ykkösestä kolmoseen. Viikonlopun aikana saatiin nähdä kaksi luokkanousuakin. Iso kiitos Sonja, Kiti, Emma ja Mirka! 2.10.2021PAIM1Didaktic’s Name Me Moondance 93p. PAIM1-ERI, sij. 2. -> […]

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Two week old C2-litter

Time has flied with these seven beautiful puppies. Riesu has been taking so good care of her kids. All are well and developing nicely. Like always it is super hard to choose homes for puppies. There where so many really good homes expressing their interest. Due the pedigree of this litter priority was that homes […]

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September results

Picture: Didaktic’s RayBanFinally – he has been show for the first time!I think that he is one of the best black kelpies that I have ever bred. I am so happy that someone else appreciate my view as well. There where so many excellent results in September that I have collected those under this one […]

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Keuruu Group Show

2.10.2021 KeuruuThis couple hit the jackpot that I think the owners will remember this quite a long time: BOB & BOS went into the same family. Judge: Tanya Ahlman-Stockmari, FI Open ClassEXC1 CQ BB1 CAC BOB Didaktic’s Qiwi(Didaktic’s Iceman – Didaktic’s Lexus) Junior ClassEXC1 CQ BM1 CAC BOS Didaktic’s Viking(Evallens Red & Tan Unik – […]

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Autumn is inevitably here! The days have shortened and the air has cooled. Fortunately, the gorgeous fall colors still bright up the mind. A week ago we got our second kelpie litter for this year. Seven lively puppies were born in a record time – three hours. So happy how fast and easy it went! […]

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FI CH Didaktic’s Prada

We have new Finnish Champion!FI CH Didaktic’s Prada (Ch Didaktic’s Imico – Ch Didaktic’s J’Lo) Approved character test 4.9.2021 with +140 points and secure to shots. 3 x CAC gained already 2019.Saaga is our 32nd Finnish Show Champion! Kiitos ja paljon ONNEA Kaisa!

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Baltic Winner 2021

Today near Tallinn, Estonia, there was the Baltic Winner 2021 Show. Representative from our team was Multi Ch Didaktic’s OMG. Judge: Andrzej Stepinski, Poland Didaktic’s OMG CH EXC1 CQ, BF1, CACIB, BOB & BALTIC WINNER 2021“Very good format. Excellent filled body. Very good angulated both ends. Very good reach of neck flowing to shoulders. Lovely […]

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Splendid Saturday

At Saturday 21st of August there was two shows around Finland for Australian Kelpie: Kouvola All Breed Show and Helsinki Group Show for FCI groups 1 & 2. We have one kelpie in Kouvola and two at Helsinki. We got BOB from both shows. On top of these fine show results. Didaktic’s Playboy debuted in […]

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