Picture: Didaktic’s RayBan
Finally – he has been show for the first time!
I think that he is one of the best black kelpies that I have ever bred. I am so happy that someone else appreciate my view as well. There where so many excellent results in September that I have collected those under this one post.
4.9.2021 Jyväskylä Group Show
14 kelpies entered
Judge: Kati Taipale, FI
We spent nice morning at Jyväskylä. It was so nice to see many Didaktic’s kelpies. Our T-puppies hit the jackpot.

5.9.2021 Tuusula Group Show
7 kelpies entered
Judge: Petru Muntean, RO
JUN EXC1 CQ BM1 CAC BOB Didaktic’s Valor
WORK EXC1 Didaktic’s Starbuck

6.9.2021 BH
Yindi passed BH test. She is one versatile kelpie: agility, herding, national working dog tests..
BH PAIM2 Didaktic’s Starbuck
(Evallens Red & Tan Lix – Ch Didaktic’s Make Me A Star)
11.9.2021 Helsinki Royal Canin Show
7 kelpies entered
Judge: Marja Talvitie, FI
BOB-breeder: Didaktic’s

11.9.2021 AGILITY, Mikkeli
Didaktic’s Quicksilver nappasi kaksi nollavoittoa. Toinen agilityradalta ja toinen hyppyradalta (2 x LUVA).
Tuomari: Esa Muotka

12.9.2021 Porvoo All Breed Show
9 kelpies entered
Judge: Ligita Zake, Latvia
BOB Didaktic’s Tequila(Ch Bocopies Barcoo – Ch Didaktic’s Not For Sale)
EXC1 (Open Class) Didaktic’s Queen Of Hearts
EXC1 (Working Class) Didaktic’s Starbuck

18.9.2021 Tampere Group Show
Judge: Marjo Järventölä,FI
8 kelpies
Didaktic’s RayBan EXC1 CQ BM1 CAC BOB
Didaktic’s No Gravity, Suomen Palveluskoiraliiton PeKo-T koe läpi ykköstuloksella 291/300 p.

Didaktic’s Explorer, Pelastuskoiraliiton haun taidontarkistus hyväksytysti läpi!

26.9.21 Lahti RN
Tuomari: Leila Kärkäs, FI
Intermediate Class
EXC1 CQ BM1 CAC BOB Didaktic’s Vico
At Group finals Vico was shortlisted among six best dogs at FCI group 1.